i'm sachin



web development

I design and build high quality responsive static and eCommerce websites using the latest technologies.

web application development

I design and build high quality web applications using the latest technologies.


Software Engineer Intern

SMB Apps

Jan 2020 - June 2020

Mobile and Web App developing.

Designed User Interfaces using Adobe XD.

Built static websites using Gatsby, GraphQL, CSS, Bootstrap.

Built native apps using Flutter.

Used Firebase and MongoDB for databases.

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featured projects


Portfolio - GatsbyJS

This is a portfolio website project which is built to introduce myself and you're currently on this website. I developed this website using Gatsby, React, GraphQL, Strapi and deployed using Netlify. In this app, I have used Gatsby plugins, React hooks, React-icons, MaterialUI, Bootstrap and Formspree for the form in contact me page.


Contact Keeper - MERN stack

Contact Keeper is a MERN ( MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack project and deployed using Heroku. User needs to register first, then user will be able to add, edit and delete contacts using this application. In this app, I used bcrypt, JSON Web Tokens, Config, Axios, Bootstrap and React-Bootstrap.


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