About me

Hey! I'm Sachin. A freshly graduated (Bachelor of Information Technology) with a double major degree (Mobile & Apps development and Programming) from the Deakin University, Melbourne. I’m passionate about Mobile and Web Apps developing. A young individual, who always explores innovative knowledge and skills in my discipline. Moreover, I am a progressive learner who excels from self-studying and a potential team player who enjoys learning from others and helping them out. I worked at Deakin Launchpad and SMB Apps as a Software Engineer Intern. From each place I got different experiences as a newbie to the IT industry.

MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)html + cssjavascriptgatsbyjsawsgraphqlFirebaseMYSQLHerokuNetlifyStrapiGITCSSBootstrapReact-BootstrapHapiJasmineREST APIs

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